

IMG_0056  A second project named Chingari was started by Vidyoday Foundation to support the students who are economically as well as educationally behind and give them a vision and inspire them to study further. Chingari’s main motive is to give ‘double inspiration’.

  •   It gave an opportunity to improve the education level of the children who are educationally behind.
  •    Financial support to the students who are excellent in studies but financially vulnerable.

Chingari is a special program of Vidyoday Foundation. Those who are actively involved in the program find dual satisfaction of teaching and learning at the same time. This is a unique experiment. The program has been running for almost a year. In the current academic year the program will be better executed with the help of experienced teacher of…..

The methodology followed is as below:

  •  Those students who teach the children were given rewards for their involvement.
  •  This is how all the students are able to read their entire book.
  •  Ultimately all the students are exposed to this process by which they learn.
  • Once these two students can read properly then they are moved out of the project and two new students are under training. Thus the cycle continues.
  •  To take help of higher standard students – Give them two Group A students.
  • Those who cannot read properly may be divided in three groups – A, B and C.
  •  Those students who can read properly may be given higher level of reading.
  •  To start with, check the reading ability of entire class.
  •  All the supervision was handled by an appointed teacher. He looks after all the schedule of training of every student and his payment details.
  •  Managers were allotted with one extra hour to handle all the tasks after teaching is over. The program was planned in such a way that those student teachers were working for 2 hours and the teacher supervisor had to work for 3 hours.



This project helps the lower standard educationally backward students to get better in education, students who are good at education get an experience to teach and get income. Teachers are satisfied with the increase in the education ratio of the children and small financial support. Like this one candle lights the other, it inspires all happily. Elder students help younger students bringing up standard of education.