
How Chingari helps young students:

  •  It helps upgrade students who have failed in 1st or 2nd standard and helps them cope with those who were studying with them.
  • A help is provided to weak students to make them study well, special classes are taken by the higher standard students who are excellent in studies.
  •  These students are paid for the services they give to educationally backward children.
  •  To maintain discipline in the project, a compensation is given to the teachers who help giving guidance to the students who serve.

By keeping in mind the objectives of the trust a word was put forward to principal of the primary school Smt. Chandrakalaben Gohil and Smt. Chetnaben Aahaya. They both appreciated the thought of helping students in a different way and thus along with help of other teachers Chingari program also was launched in the year 2013.

The classes are functioning every Sunday from 10 o’clock to 12 o’clock. To bridge the gap between two Sundays a needy girl studying in college has started to take daily extra classes early morning before prayers. She gives the reading, writing and sum solving practices to the educationally poor students. This has given special attention and regular revision to the weak students and this helps them to compete with others in the class.

IMG_0052Many unhealthy and problematic students have been identified during this project. One of them is Sonal – a heart patient belonging to a poor Brahmin family. Her mom earns a little bit by working for others to cope with their basic necessities. She is worried for Sonal’s educational career. Looking at her she was asked to come to Chingari regularly. After coming regularly, Sonal slowly started reading and writing which increases her enthusiasm and zeal to study. The instinct of Chingari‘s teachers and the higher grade student – how to tackle such poor students, worked out.